Eiger Diamant AG

Information zu Eiger Diamant AG Odoo-Instanz, Open Source ERP.

Installierte Apps

Odoo Website Customer Address Book
The module allows your Odoo website customers to add and save multiple billing and delivery address to their account, so they can use them in their orders.
Website Product Pack
Add Bundle Products in your website for increasing your ecommerce
Product Pack
Combine two or more products together in order to create a bundle product.
Vom Angebot bis zur Rechnung
Rechnungen & Zahlungseingänge
Track leads and close opportunities
Enterprise Website ersteller
Verwalten Sie Ihre Lager- und Logistikaktivitäten
Verwaltung der Finanz- und Analysebuchhaltung
Bestellungen, Angebote und Vereinbarungen
Verkaufen Sie ihre Produkte Online
Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
Urlaubsansprüche und Urlaubsanfragen verwalten
Zentralisierung von Mitarbeiterinformationen
Gio Payment Exclude
This module expands the contact with a field for excluding payments
Swiss Post Labels
This module integrates Swiss Post with Odoo and allows you to generate delivery labels with tracking information.
Website Terms and Conditions Odoo
terms and conditions on website tnc on website customizable terms and conditions on webshop terms and conditions on shop online terms and conditions online website terms conditions website terms Generator Terms of Use website eCommerce terms conditions
Odoo Direct Print PRO
Print any reports or shipping labels directly to any local, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth printer without downloading PDF or ZPL!
Product Advanced Attribute
Manage advanced product attributes
Product Tiered Pricing
Order Quantity Based Tiered Pricing for Products
Ecommerce Product Search - Mobile Camera Barcode
Find Product By Barcode, Search Products By Mobile Barcode, Using Barcode Find Website Product, Search Product On Shop, Using Mobile Barcode Get Product, Ecommerce Product Search By Barcode, Product By Mobile Barcode, Product By Barcode App Odoo
Product Catalog Generator
Create Product Catalogue, Custom Product Catalog App, Make Own Product Catalog, Product Catalogue Module, Customize Product Catalogue, Product Catalog Template, Design Product Catalog, Product Catalog Management, Product Catalogue Builder Odoo
Product QR Code Generator
Default Make QR Module,New Product QR Generate App,Existing Product QR Generate Application, Existing Multi Product QR Create, Custom Product QR Generator,Product QRCode Generator,QRCode Product Odoo
Advanced Variant Prices
The tool to configure variant prices based on attributes coefficients and surpluses. Product price multiplier. Product price coefficient. Product price extra. Product price surplus. Multi prices. Product attribute pricing. Multiple variant prices. Dynamic variant price
Senden Sie Dokumente, um online zu unterschreiben und ausgefüllte Kopien zu bearbeiten
Chat, Mail-Gateway und private Kanäle
Zentralisieren Sie Ihr Adressbuch
Planen Sie Mitarbeiterversammlungen
Verwalten Sie Ihre Flotte und verfolgen Sie die Autokosten
Beschädigte Produkte reparieren
Verfolgen Sie die Anwesenheit Ihrer Mitarbeiter
Organisieren Sie Ihre Arbeit mit Memos
Personalabrechnungs-Datensätze verwalten